What We Do

Our Commitment

Missouri City Landfill is committed to performing long-term maintenance and monitoring of the facility in an environmentally responsible manner. Our team of environmental managers, engineers and scientists ensures the safe long-term management of landfill.


Long-term maintenance and monitoring of the Missouri City Landfill are performed in a manner to protect human health and the environment. We regularly monitor and report our activities to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR). There are many environmental protection systems at Missouri City Landfill.

Landfill gas is collected through a system of 23 extraction wells. The collected landfill gas is destroyed by an on-site flare. In addition, the landfill gas monitoring probes are regularly monitored to evaluate the landfill gas system performance.

The facility uses activated carbon to prevent discharge of chemicals into the air from on-site storage tanks and the on-site water treatment plant. The activated carbon canisters are monitored and tested regularly.

Protection of all water sources is a priority at Missouri City Landfill. Missouri City Landfill assesses groundwater with 84 individual groundwater monitoring points that are routinely monitored. The facility maintains a well-vegetated cap to promote clean surface water runoff.

The closed landfill is covered in a multi-layered engineered cap that prevents surface water from percolating through the Landfill and impacting groundwater, and prevents exposure to the material in the Landfill.